Thursday, April 14, 2011

Profile Pictures

Profile Pictures

Spring arrives?

Finally got some to drive with the windows open.  Does this mean we've finally left this cold, snowy winter behind (and, disappointingly, only 3 days of skiing all season)?  Probably not.   Bet there's a snow squall coming up for Easter.  Either way, time to dust off the golf clubs and work on that beautiful slice of a shot I own.

Was going to collect thoughts on the current state of domestic affairs today but the nice day put me in a good place and I don't want to ruin it.

Currently listening too...New Foo Fighers record.  Outstanding!  Easily their best output since Colour and the Shape.  Perfect album to blast out of the truck with the windows down.  Not a bad song in the bunch.  One of those rare albums (especially in today's music) where there is no need to skip any tracks because they suck.  Winners all around!  Probably won't have much to write about for the next few days since this record will take up much of my listening.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Yeah, UConn!  One more to go!

currently listening to: 'Centerfield' by John Fogerty.  It's baseball season!