Sunday, March 20, 2011

10 days

10 Days since my last post.  I knew I would be bad about consistency but didn't think it would be immediate.  Oh well, sometimes you get a little side-tracked.  Maybe I'll actually bring something to the table this week.  In the meantime, off to make dinner.  Southwest Chicken stir-fry.  Yum.

Currently listening to:  The Pogues: If I Should Fall From Grace with God.  Still in a St. Patrick's Day mood I guess.  Plus a great listen when I feel like going to the mirror, smiling, and thanking may parents for forking over $3,000 for braces when I was 13.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Let's give this a whirl.

So they've had these blog things for years now and I've only now decided to try one out and "leave my thoughts for the world to see", or at least the two people I'll mention I have a blog to.  We'll see how consistant this becomes.  I guess this might not be a bad thing for my ADD mind to deal with, even though it's kind of lame and outdated.  Seems now if you want others to know what's going on in your head your better off auditioning to make an ass of yourself on some mind-wasting MTV show or become a fool politician.  No Thanks!  Guess you can call me an old-fashioned 31 year old.

Currently listening to Alice in Chains DIRT---heard 'Them Bones' on the radio and forgot how tremendous the entire record it.